A necessary evil of going on holiday is of course having to pack a suitcase.
Some people can go a little crazy when packing for a trip away. There’s the over packers who haul a closet full of clothes around in their suitcase, the people who pack weeks in advance, the last minute packers that throw everything in the morning before they leave and the worry warts who even after the plane has taken off are still trying to remember what they’ve forgotten.
Be it folding, rolling or shoving, whatever your style we have a few pointers that will help you save space, time and your sanity while also making sure you don’t over pack and have to pay hefty fees at check in.
#1 Match your suitcase size to trip length
You don’t want to bring a massive suitcase on a week long holiday while at the same time a small suitcase won’t do if you’re going away for a month. Forget the ‘what ifs’ and thinking you will need more or less space when in reality you will only put yourself out.
#2 Make a list
If you’re the type to worry about forgetting something, a sure fire way to help you remember all your essentials is to make a quick list of everything you think you will need to take with you.
It is often the small insignificant creature comforts you tend to forget, like your toothbrush, moisturiser or even an eye mask that helps you sleep at night, that will really bug you to the point of having to go out and buy new ones.
So not only will a list give you peace of mind, but save you a bit of cash as well.
#3 Lay everything out
Grabbing clothes and shoes out of your closet and packing as you go may seem time efficient, but you will almost always over pack items and double up on clothes.
What we suggest is to lay everything out on the bed or the floor and actually see what you are taking. You may notice that you have three shirts that are very similar where you would only need to take the one.
Always remember that layers are key to making the same outfit look completely different so you can change how you look by simply adding or removing one item of clothing like a scarf or a jacket and make sure to keep the colour palette relatively similar so you can mix and match everything.
#4 Break the trip down
By breaking your trip down to what events you will be attending, how many days you are going for and most importantly what the weather will be like, you can plan out what you will need to pack for without talking yourself into bringing unnecessary items that you will just end up lugging around and never wearing.
#5 Roll, stuff and evenly distribute
So you’ve worked out what you need and don’t need and now it’s time to pack it and pack it smart.
Anything heavy or bulky goes in first, the heavier items you put at the bottom of the case near the wheels, trust me, this will save your arms and save crushing all your clothes.
There are a few options when it comes to packing efficiently but we have found the best way is to roll your clothes rather than fold. You save a LOT of room by rolling and your clothes will be less creased and easier to find.
Simple things like stuffing your shoes with socks or other small items, wearing all your bulky clothes like jackets or long boots on the plane to save room and laying belts around the inside of the case can save a ton of space.
#6 Leave some space free
9 times out of 10 you will find yourself bringing home more than you come with so make sure to leave a bit of space for souvenirs.
Most suitcases now have an expanding feature which is great for the way home and remember that you can still squeeze items in your carry on as well as a handbag, so make sure to ration out the weight when it comes time to check in.
#7 Know your limits
Weight limits apply for not only your checked baggage, but also your hand luggage, so make sure to check with the airline that you are flying with as everyone is different.
On average for an international flight the weight limit is around 30kgs and for a domestic flight it is 23kgs.
A simple way of weighing your bag is to weigh yourself on a set of bathroom scales and note the number, then while holding your bag, hop back on the scales and simply subtract your weight from the total.
#8 Tag it, Name it, Label it
Always make sure you grab a tag either from a luggage shop or grab a freebie at check in and fill in your details, you need to have your name on your bag just in case it gets lost or the check in sticker comes off.
The LAST thing you want is all your belongings going missing.
Another handy tip is to put a fragile sticker on your bag somewhere, this will (hopefully) give your bag a bit of VIP treatment. The only reason I ever have to get new luggage is because it gets damaged while in transit, so a few fragile stickers here and there can’t hurt.